become a developer

10 Steps To Become a Developer

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In today’s economic climate, coding skills are not just relevant but highly sought after. Qualified personnel such as website developers, data scientists, and software engineers are in-demand in almost every established business worldwide. But entering this lucrative field isn’t an easy feat. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 steps you can take to become a developer. 

Step 1: Decide your definitive goal

You cannot embark on a journey without a destination or general direction in mind. You need to have a point of focus to help light your way. Your first step is to get clear on your goal, whether you’re looking to switch careers and gain a foothold in the tech industry or become a software developer in a leading company and raise your salary. Once you’ve decided what exactly it is you’d like to achieve, you’ll be able fill in all the touchpoints between where you are and where you want to be, which will help propel you forward. 

Step 2: Dive into the research

Now that you’ve decided your what, you need to discover the how. If you’re set on becoming a developer, you need to understand what a developer does and what is required to achieve that position. There are numerousmyriad branches of development that one can go into, each requiring a unique set of skills. You’ll also need to learn a coding language, such as Python or JavaScript. If you have a specific company you’d like to work for, research what computer language they utilise. Ask professional software developers what their journey was like and what coding tips they may have for you. 

Step 3: Start studying

There are many ways to learn software development, but one of the most efficient and beneficial ways is to gain your certification with an acclaimed institution. HyperionDev offers industry-aligned courses that take budding developers from novice to expert in mere months. Our bootcamps are designed to help fast-track your learning with practical courses that are part or full-time, online or on-campus. With a range of courses on offer, we can support your dream to become a developer with the utmost efficiency. 

Step 4: Put your skills to the test

Learning the skills and languages of software development is only the beginning. Knowledge is like a muscle, and it needs to be trained and challenged to grow. Keep up with digital trends, test new theories and techniques, and keep learning. Sites that are useful for this include Stackoverflow and CodeWars.

Step 5: Learn from the experts

Reading the code others have constructed is a huge benefit in the industry and can help you develop your technique and gain inspiration for future projects. Fortunately, with HyperionDev, we set you up with a personal code reviewer who provides constant feedback and checks every bit of code you craft. If you’re ever stuck, you can ask questions. Make the most of your learning experience and receive guidance from experts in the industry. 

Step 6: Join a community of developers

Receiving assistance, advice, and inspiration from others is paramount in the tech industry. Joining a community of like-minded individuals can help you gain true success in the developing realm. For example, HyperionDev has a Discord channel where our students can network with others in the field to support their progress.

Step 7: Cultivate a strong portfolio

To enter the working world and tech industry with confidence, you need to have a strong portfolio filled with many successful projects. When you undertake one of HyperionDev’s bootcamps, we help you build applications and showcase your new skills through our capstone project, which can be added to your portfolio. 

Step 8: Join our grad programme

Finding a job can be just as difficult as gaining the skills required to enter the working world. Luckily, at HyperionDev, we’ve got you covered. Our specialised graduate programme is designed to help set you up for a job, meet alumni and network with prospective employers and others in the industry. 

Step 9: Do mock interviews with our career services team

Interviews can be daunting, and it’s especially important that you feel calm, comfortable, and confident within yourself and your skills before beginning the hiring process. HyperionDev’s dedicated Career Services Team is set up help you do just that. We assist you in gearing up to land your dream position with mock interviews and portfolio refining. 

Step 10: Time to apply 

Search for relevant job positions and apply to as many as you see fit. Go through the hiring process and remember to ask questions about the position to ensure it’s the right fit for you. If you’ve completed the previous steps successfully, there is no doubt that you will soon land an attractive job offer. Accept the role that best suits you, and don’t forget to continuously keep learning and keep up to date with the industry’s best practices. 


Becoming a developer is no easy feat, but the journey is rewarding. So go forth with motivation, passion, and a willingness to never give up. If you’re looking to enter the lucrative tech industry or simply prepare for a successful future with in-demand development skills, HyperionDev has the course for you. Check out our coding bootcamps and experience what code can do for you.