Photo of Keshivin Subramoney

From Unemployment to Junior DevOps Engineer: Keshivin Subramoney’s Journey with HyperionDev

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Meet Keshivin Subramoney from Cape Town, who transformed his career through HyperionDev’s Software Engineering Bootcamp. Despite having no prior technical experience and being unemployed, Keshivin successfully navigated his way to becoming a DevOps Engineer at Pepkor IT. Here, he shares his experience and how the bootcamp played a pivotal role in shaping his tech career.

Choosing HyperionDev: Flexibility and support

Keshivin’s decision to join HyperionDev was driven by the bootcamp’s flexibility and robust support system. “I chose HyperionDev as it made studying the Software Engineering Bootcamp seem effortless, as it was time flexible and the support from my mentors [was] more than sufficient to help me understand what I could improve on or clarify certain areas I struggled in.”

Building technical skills and gaining confidence

Before enrolling in the bootcamp, Keshivin had no coding or technical experience. However, his determination to upskill and change careers kept him motivated. Throughout the bootcamp, he acquired valuable skills in Python, Java, SQL, HTML5, and CSS. He found all the projects significant, with the machine learning project standing out as it highlighted the importance of data in the modern world.

Overcoming challenges

The bootcamp wasn’t without its challenges. Towards the end, Keshivin faced time constraints as he had to juggle completing his projects while caring for his mother and brother, with his mother battling COVID-19. Despite these difficulties, he persevered and completed the course on time, thanks to the flexibility of the programme and the strong support system at HyperionDev.

Career growth and success

Upon completing the bootcamp, Keshivin secured his first tech job as a Junior DevOps Engineer at Absa Group in Johannesburg. Although it was a significant step forward, he eventually moved back to Cape Town, where he now works as a DevOps Engineer at Pepkor IT. In his role, Keshivin utilises a range of tools including Oracle WebLogic, Jenkins, GCP, Linux, and Git to optimise processes and contribute to creating a robust and automated development pipeline.

Valuable resources and career support

Keshivin found the resources provided by HyperionDev, particularly in Python and Java, extremely valuable in his learning process. Additionally, the career support services team played a crucial role in enhancing his job prospects. “I applied for several jobs and had several interviews thanks to the help of Career Support Services.”

Boosted confidence and real-world preparation

The bootcamp prepared Keshivin well for real-world projects and problem-solving, equipping him with the skills and confidence needed to succeed in the tech industry. “Honestly, my confidence was boosted a lot post bootcamp. I had the knowledge to take on real-life work as well.”

Keshivin’s story is a testament to the transformative power of HyperionDev’s bootcamps, helping individuals like him improve their technical skills and advance their careers in the tech industry. Inspired by Keshivin’s success? 

Start your own tech journey by joining HyperionDev’s Software Engineering Bootcamp today and unlock your potential!