Why You Should Learn Python in 2018

Why You Should Learn Python in 2018

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So you’re thinking about learning to code in 2018. It’s proven that a career in coding is both fulfilling and in-demand. But what programming language should you learn? Quite simply: Python. Below, we explore why you should learn Python in 2018.

Python’s Recent Spike in Popularity & Growth Trends

To start off, it’s important to note Python’s recent growth in popularity. The language’s growth in interest over the last few years is hard to ignore and yet stumping data scientists. Not long ago, it was thought to already be a dead language.

According to Stack Overflow’s 2018 Developer Survey, this past year alone, Python has risen in the ranks as one of the most commonly used programming languages, surpassing C# this year, much like it had surpassed PHP last year, visible in the chart above. It’s also considered as the most wanted language for the second year in a row, meaning developers who do not yet use Python say they intend on learning it soon. It’s safe to say Python is the fastest-growing major programming language.

So what’s the main reason for this recent spike in Python interest?

Interestingly enough, there is an equal rise of interest in data science and machine learning. Python and data science go hand-in-hand. Quora supports this by advancing reasons why Python is the language of choice for data scientists. Additionally, you’ve probably heard the saying, ‘Data is the New Gold.’ And when it comes to data, Python is probably the most used programming language in Data Science.

Why is Python used so widely in data science? One important reason is that powerful statistical and numerical packages exist in Python for data analysis (such as PyBrain, NumPy and MySQL). Anyone comfortable with the Python programming language can use it as a tool to organize, process, and visualize data. Even if programmers are not in a Data Science field, Python is still useful to them because most programmers deal with data, in one way or another, in their day-to-day work.

Although plenty of other programming languages are useful in the field of data science, such as SQL and R, Python is one of the more versatile, with over 125,000 third-party Python libraries available as a resource.

Let’s get into the specifics

Python Fast Facts

Average Salary: $107 000
Top Job Locations: New York City, Mountain View, San Francisco
Top Employees of Python Programmers: Intel, Amazon, Dell
Python was used to build: Instagram, YouTube, Spotify

So, what’s Python all about? It’s a programming language developed in 1991 which, according to Inc., is used for:

The Benefits of Python

In closing, if you’re keen to learn coding this year, it’s a great idea to learn Python in 2018. HyperionDev offers a six month online Software Engineering Bootcamp, which includes Python as part of its back-end programming.