learn to code

How Long Does it Take to Learn to Code?

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If you’re looking to enter the exciting and innovative world of web development, one of the first things you need to do is learn to code. How long will it take you to learn a new programming language?

This is akin to asking, “How long is a piece of string?” as there’s no definitive answer. Your speed will depend on which coding language you’re learning, the structure of the course you’re taking, and the time and effort you’re able to put in.

The “traditional” educational path for those learning to code is a computer science degree. A bachelor’s degree in computer science would typically take as long as four years to complete, with full-time classes being held on campus. A postgraduate degree could take up to another four years, while a master’s degree could take a further one to two years.

While a traditional computer science degree may be the right choice for some aspiring coders, others will find it too time-consuming and costly. This is especially true if you’re already working, and looking to improve your skill set or to switch careers. You may not have the time or availability to commit to on-campus classes, and you likely won’t want to wait several years before making that next career move.

Luckily, there are well-structured online learning options out there that will help you learn to code quickly and easily – becoming proficient in as little as six months.

A New Way of Learning

HyperionDev.com has created a selection of online coding courses that facilitate a quick and efficient learning curve for aspiring programmers. These are six-month, part-time courses with daily mentor support.

The bootcamps give you so much more flexibility than a full-time degree programme, allowing you to learn code in a fast, agile way. Instead of attending classes on campus, you can learn at home or on the go, making it a much more convenient learning experience.

It’s also important to note that while degree programmes teach a lot of theory, HyperionDev bootcamps put that theory into practice immediately. You’ll get the opportunity to do real hands-on, practical work, and learn from experience.

Benefits of an Online Coding Bootcamp

There are many ways you will benefit from the coding bootcamp experience:

  • Courses are based on a proven educational model
  • Course content is built in partnership with world-leading tech firms
  • Online training allows you to learn at home, saving you travel time and expense
  • You get the chance to write code that solves real-world problems
  • Work is reviewed by specialist code mentors and returned with tailored feedback
  • Code review prevents time-consuming struggles with error messages and bugs
  • Mentorship adds a personal touch and a tailored learning experience

Mentorship and Coding

HyperionDev bootcamp courses include mentoring, with full-time specialist code educators available to help students excel.

Your mentor will build a personal relationship with you, and ensure you learn to code in an efficient, intelligent way that meets today’s industry standards. A mentor can even tailor course content to your interests, making the learning experience a more engaging one.

HyperionDev mentors are the world’s first dedicated team of coding educators.

Where Will Your Qualification Take You?

Graduating from a bootcamp will open up a variety of interesting career paths, including:

  • Software development
  • Web development
  • Computer programming
  • Database administration
  • Computer systems analysis
  • Computer network architecture
  • Information security analysis

So, to answer our original question, how long does it take to learn to code? With an online coding bootcamp, it can take you just six months. If you’re considering switching jobs or launching your career in programming, sign up for a bootcamp in web, mobile or software development, and learn to code like a pro.