web development

Student Spotlight: Leandri – Full-Stack Web Development Student

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It’s no secret that web development and programming are among the most in-demand professions on the jobs market. According to figures from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of software developers is projected to grow 21 percent from 2018 to 2028 – a rate that is much faster than the average for all occupations. In fact, most, if not all, code- and computer-related professions, including web development, are projected to enjoy faster than average growth than all other jobs in the coming years, as ICT becomes cheaper and more ubiquitous.

It’s no surprise, then, that so many students – and even fully qualified, currently employed professionals – are turning to coding to bring more freedom and mobility into their lives and careers. 

One such qualified professional is 25-year-old Leandri Viljoen, a BSc graduate who works in Risk & Fraud analysis. Leandri enrolled in an online HyperionDev Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp, which gave her the freedom to upskill at her own pace from home without having to take valuable time off work.

Leandri says she was attracted by the freedom and endless possibilities that professional skills in web development and coding bring.


I love the fact that there is a space for everyone. It’s really possible to lean into your own strengths (and past experiences before learning how to code) to create something new and useful. From e-commerce sites to VR- adverts to powerful software for big companies, the options really are endless.

That’s when she found out about HyperionDev’s one-on-one mentored web development bootcamps, which teach practical skills to first-time or experienced coders in a well-structured and methodical approach that fosters good problem solving and teaches best coding practices.


I’ve always been curious about learning to code & have started multiple free courses, but unfortunately I got overwhelmed by the number of different routes available. HyperionDev’s web development course structure seemed like a straight-forward path to follow and to keep me focussed. Plus, the company I currently work for is always looking for developers, so I thought I’d give it a shot!

A strong set of coding skills bring with them so many benefits including job security, career mobility, and the freedom to work remotely.


I want to develop skills for an in-demand job, because I know that most companies need programmers. I also love the idea of being able to control my time and being able to work from wherever I want, like on the beach or in coffee shops. Plus, I know that with programming skills I will have a lot of work opportunities overseas, and I really want to travel.

The course, she says, was both challenging and rewarding, and a process that brought her practical web development skills that are relevant to the modern workplace.


It challenged me mentally and forced me to think of creative ways to solve problems. It has also taught me to manage my time between having a full-time job and taking the time to work on my tasks. I enjoyed being able to ask for help when I really got stuck and frustrated (it happens!). My mentor would often give me clues on how to figure it out on my own, instead of just giving me the answer straight away. It’s not easy, but it’s so rewarding to be able to build something you can show people and say, ‘I created that!’

And Leandri’s advice for people who are thinking about learning more about programming or developing their own website from scratch?


Just try it! You don’t have to be a natural “techie” in order to learn how to code – I certainly wasn’t!

If you’re curious about code, you can try it out yourself with one of our free trials, where you can get the basics and try your hand at a few practical code exercises – no previous experience necessary! HyperionDev offers online bootcamps in Full Stack Web Development, Data Science or Software Engineering. If online learning is not your thing, you could join a face-to-face Web Developer or Software Engineering course in Cape Town or Johannesburg. Start your career change today.