web developer

Student Success Story – Sean Van Loggerenberg – From Bartender to Web Developer

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It’s a story we’ve heard many times before. Someone is working a job with demanding and unpredictable hours, and they want to develop a new set of skills that will allow to make a drastic and much-desired career change. However, traditional education models often demand far more time – and money – than these jobs can provide. That’s where new education models, like HyperionDev’s mentor-led online coding bootcamps come to the rescue. These bootcamps allow prospective students the time, flexibility, and affordability they need to meet their responsibilities at work, and give them full stack web developer, data science, or software engineering skills that will build their career mobility and land them a job in a whole new industry.

One such student was Sean Van Loggerenberg, a 28-year-old bartender from Cape Town, who came to HyperionDev because he wanted to make a drastic career change to become a web developer. Sean knew that an in-demand career in tech could earn him a better salary and allow him the possibility of working overseas or remotely.


I found programming very interesting and decided to look into it; And then I fell in love with it. The course helped a lot to build my knowledge and skills to achieve my new career goal of being a web developer. The part I enjoyed the most was interacting with other students, all of us helping each other with coding issues and solving them together.

Sean was able to grow in this collaborative environment and learn his new web developer skill set under the guidance and assistance of his one-on-one mentor who helped him to grow and learn during his part-time online Full Stack Web Developer bootcamp. This unique HyperionDev model of constant iteration and live code review by experienced coders helped to take Sean’s code from beginner to industry-ready.


My mentor was great. He was always there when I needed him and the way he explained the content was easy to follow. The code review process was very supportive, because I knew I was on the right (or wrong) track and it showed me alternative ways of solving programming challenges.

For Sean, the decision to learn how to code and become a web developer is one he strongly recommends to anyone looking to upskill and upgrade their careers.


Becoming a developer was the best choice I ever made, and I can guarantee you will feel the same.

Are you a bartender, waitress, Uber driver, or other worker who wants to make the jump to a highly-rewarding and fulfilling career in tech, but just can’t seem to take the time to focus on learning the skills? Then HyperionDev’s online and part-time bootcamps have been tailor-made with you in mind. They’re affordable and can be completed at your own pace, allowing you the space to tend to your job needs, pay the bills, take care of the kids, or finish college essays, while giving you industry-ready skills in Full Stack Web Development, Software Engineering, or Data Science that will prepare you for a brand new career. What’s more, our placements and career support services will help you build up the CV, profile, and interviewing skills you need to land that new job.