coding course

Tha: a mother’s perspective on her son’s coding course

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Tha Khumalo knows what she’s talking about. She explains that there’s a typical phase in your twenties during which you dabble with a wide variety of options, including your career, what you plan to study and even your relationship partner, but what many people don’t realise is that this decade forms your foundation. She says:

Often your twenties determine what you’re going to do with the rest of your life. Not everyone has the luxury of following their passions at a later stage.

This is why Tha is happy her son, Vusi, found HyperionDev and their Software Engineering bootcamp. Tha has a master’s degree and works in HR consulting. Before enrolling on a coding course, Vusi, her youngest son, was enrolled at Stellenbosch University in his second year of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Management, but he wasn’t engaged with the course. Says Vusi:


There was a massive amount of reading and regurgitation. I had problems remembering all the information and then putting it across in the same way I had read it. That’s why I love my coding bootcamp – everything is applied. The course is so hands-on. Also, I love technology, and this is a way to find out how tech works behind the scenes.

Check out Tha and Vusi’s story on how they are enjoying the online mentorship and learning experience with HyperionDev. 


Mom Tha loves the fact that the bootcamp gives her son an industry-relevant certification. In the recruitment industry in which she works, she sees that IT candidates, especially skilled ones, are in short supply. In addition, he’ll be able to make his mark in so many different industries with just this one qualification. It’s a joy for her to see her son so excited about his work. Tha puts it like this.


My son has finally found studies he is passionate about. I find the constant feedback he receives boosts his confidence and his resolve to continue with the programme. He is really dedicated to finishing his tasks. Many young students don’t have the discipline to manage their work when not in formal institutions, but the online processes and mentor enable Vusi to exhibit that discipline and push himself harder.

Vusi confirmed that the learning process is very supportive and the resources are in-depth. He states:


If you have any issues, there is always support online.

So where does he see himself ending up? Potentially building apps, he explains. He has many ideas for innovative apps and he’s keen to transform this creativity into a technical endeavour of some kind. The last word must go to Mum Tha, however. She says:


Just a big thank-you to the HyperionDev team. One morning I was on your website and by the end of the week my son was registered and starting a new chapter in his life. The professionalism of the organisation is unparalleled.

If you’re keen to upskill or you just want to enter the in-demand field of tech (no previous experience necessary), HyperionDev offers online bootcamps in Full Stack Web Development, Data Science or Software Engineering. You can also trial one of these courses for free. If you  prefer face-to-face learning, then consider a Web Developer or Software Engineering course in Cape Town or Johannesburg. Like Vusi, start the next chapter of your life today.