coding bootcamps in 2018

The Growth of Coding Bootcamps

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Course Report has just published its latest 2018 report on coding bootcamps.  To get these results, they polled every full-time, in-person bootcamp, including online bootcamps, in the US and Canada with courses in web and mobile development. Read on to find out about coding bootcamps in 2018 and how they’re faring, including the number of students, the average cost of bootcamps, which languages are most frequently taught, and more.


Coding Bootcamps in 2018: Student Numbers


One of the key findings is that there has been massive growth in coding bootcamps in 2018. Check out these figures.


  • There will be a 20% growth in students to an estimated 20,316 graduates in 2018 (up from 16,687 in 2017). 1,846 of these students graduated from online coding bootcamps – that’s a 173% growth rate in the number of students attending online coding bootcamps between 2017 and 2018.
  • There is also a big growth in corporate training, which is up 111% from 2017. This translates into an additional 16,593 students from the corporate environment. Clearly, corporates are finding that upskilling their employees via coding bootcamps is a worthwhile avenue to pursue. A key reason corporates choose bootcamps for this upskilling, explains the Report, is because bootcamps iterate quickly and know how to teach the newest programming languages.

Here’s a table showing the total number of bootcamp graduates in 2018 (to compare: In 2017, there were 93,247 undergraduate computer science graduates from US universities in 2017. Bootcamps appear to be catching up. Read more about how long it takes to learn to code, and why you don’t necessarily need a degree.)

coding bootcamps in 2018

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Coding Bootcamps in 2018: Costs and Duration


When it comes to costs, as expected there’s a range, from free to $24,000 – the average tuition fee, however, is $11,906. In 2018, sixteen bootcamps offered deferred tuition or engaged in an income-sharing agreement with students. Read more about innovative ideas for financing your bootcamp.


Here’s a table showing tuition range.

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As far as duration goes, there is a wide range from 4 to 104 weeks, with an average of 14,3 weeks. However, most courses are in the 12 week range. Remember: the report looked at full-time courses where students are expected to put in at least 40 hours per week. Online bootcamps tend to be longer at an average of 15.4 weeks and cheaper, with an average cost of $11,100.


Coding Bootcamps in 2018: Teaching Languages and Career Paths


The bottom line here is that many courses, 51% to be precise, use JavaScript as their primary teaching language for Full-Stack Web Development – even established bootcamps are altering their curricula to emphasise JavaScript.


Here’s a graph showing the top Full-Stack Web Development teaching languages:

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As far as mobile development bootcamps go, there are three main languages taught: iOS with Swift, iOS with Objective-C and Java. Here’s the graph.

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Lastly, when it comes to potential career tracks, Full-Stack Web Development remains tops. 91% of coding graduates learn these skills. Mobile graduates follow behind at 5,1%. Check out the graph below.

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In closing, coding bootcamps in 2018 are flourishing. Many students are choosing this option as the ideal way to learn valuable coding skills. If you’re thinking of signing up for a bootcamp, you may want to read this piece on five ways you can prepare for this exciting educational experience. If you’re wanting to learn how to code, consider signing up for one of HyperionDev’s six-month, part-time online coding bootcamps in Full-Stack Web Development, Mobile Development and Software Engineering. You’ll get your own personalised mentor to help you whenever you get stuck.