top five open source projects on GitHub

Top 5 beginner-friendly open source projects on GitHub

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Launched 10 years ago, GitHub has grown exponentially. In fact, as of October 2018, the GitHub community reached 31 million users. In essence, it’s a site where developers store their projects and network with like-minded people. “GitHub is a good place to collaborate and meet with other developers,” says Gareth Dwyer, software and operation developer at HyperionDev. One key reason developers love GitHub is “much like using Microsoft Word or Google Drive – you can have a version history of your code so that it is not lost with every iteration.” Why have we put together the top five open source projects on GitHub for this month? Quite simply, when things happen in the coding world, they happen on GitHub, so we’d encourage all devs to jump on this bandwagon.


  1. 30-seconds-of-code

This is a curated collection of useful JavaScript snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less. You can check out these snippets here as well. The goal of this project is to provide a quality resource for both beginner and advanced JavaScript developers. They have collected hundreds of snippets of code that are useful in a wide range of situations. They also welcome new contributions and fresh ideas provided the code is short and can be grasped in about 30 seconds. The only downside is that some of the snippets are not ideally optimised for large, enterprise applications – i.e. they are not yet production-ready.


  1. First contributions

This is a great project to help beginners contribute to open source projects. The rationale behind this project is that doing something is probably better than merely reading articles and watching tutorials. Ideally, however, you should be doing both. This project will cover the procedures you’ll need to master if you want to contribute to open source projects on GitHub.  From there you can move on to contributing to other projects by checking out their web app.


  1. TensorFlow Models

For those interested in Machine learning and Deep learning, you might be interested in checking out this TensorFlow project.

TensorFlow Models is the open-source repository that consists of many libraries and models related to deep learning. You would start with checking out the official models that are well-maintained, tested and kept up to date. Thereafter, if you want to contribute to models, be sure to review the contribution guidelines. There are also TensorFlow tutorials.


  1. Zulip

This powerful, open source group chat application combines the immediacy of real-time chat with the useful productivity of threaded conversations. It’s one of the fastest growing open source group chat projects with over 300 contributors.

You could get involved in any of the following:


  1. 33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know

This is not really a project, but a useful repository, which has the goal of helping developers master concepts in JavaScript. Here are some of the things you will learn: Factories and Classes, DOM and Layout Trees, JavaScript Engines, etc.


We’ve mentioned the top five open source projects on GitHub. You can also check out the trending repository on GitHub to see what the community is most excited about on a daily basis. To brush up on your coding skills, consider enrolling on a HyperionDev bootcamp in Full Stack Web Development, Mobile Development or Software Engineering. You can also try out any of these courses for free on the trial. Read more about what you can expect on your free trial with HyperionDev.