online coding bootcamp scholarships

Top 5 online coding bootcamp scholarships

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Coding bootcamp tuition can range from $9,000 to $21,000, according to Course Report, although online coding bootcamps are more cost effective. For this kind of bootcamp you can enrol for as little as $3,000. To find the required financing, you may want to consider online coding bootcamp scholarships. Many schools offer such scholarships, particularly if you belong to an under-represented group, such as women or persons of colour, in the tech industry.

Remember, there’s no harm in asking your preferred bootcamp provider about scholarships – the worst thing is that you’ll be met with a ‘no’. Scholarships are often based on a student’s background, merit or need. Here we’ll list some of the top online coding bootcamp scholarships.


  1. Flatiron School

This coding bootcamp offers face-to-face programs in Software Engineering and Data Science in a variety of locations, including NYC, Brooklyn, Washington DC, London, Atlanta, Seattle, etc, as well as online courses.

They offer a variety of scholarships aimed at fostering diversity – women, minorities and veterans are encouraged to apply – as well as merit-based scholarships. Their Lifelong Learning Scholarship starts at $1,000 with a rolling admissions process. There’s also a Houston Heroes scholarship for all veterans and their family (to transition into the civilian workforce) for their face-to-face course at their Houston campus. It’s valued at $5,000.


  1. HyperionDev Merit Scholarship

HyperionDev offers the following online coding bootcamps: Full Stack Web Development, Data Science or Software Engineering. They all take place part-time with your own personalised mentor. You can also trial one of these courses for free.

HyperionDev is always on the lookout for those deserving a little extra help. Perhaps you’re one of them. They want to assist people who are passionate about becoming developers, because they know there is a high demand for these skills in the job market.

If you’re someone who possesses grit, determination and a will to succeed, you might be the ideal candidate for a HyperionDev Merit-Based scholarship. To be in line for this scholarship, schedule a call with one of their Course Consultants.


  1. Fullstack Academy

Fullstack Academy offers an immersive web development bootcamp (as well as other courses) with campuses in New York City, Chicago as well as online through their platform. The courses range from 13-week to 28-week courses.

The school offers a variety of scholarships including partial tuition for their remote immersive students. To qualify for this scholarship, you need to state why you’re interested in a software engineering career and you’ll have to collect references on a Facebook campaign page. There are also a variety of needs-based scholarships as well as those aimed at women and veterans.


  1. Hackbright Academy

Located in San Francisco, this all-woman school offers a variety of programs, such as Software Engineering and Full Stack Web Development. Students are eligible for $1,500 off their Software Engineering Program once they’ve completed the Prep course. Alternatively, learners can complete an Online Python course and are then eligible for a $695 scholarship off further tuition.

In addition, there’s the Hackbright Phenomenal Woman Scholarship, which offers $8000 to two phenomenal women who demonstrate incredible technical ability and dedication to pursuing a software engineering career. Scholarship applicants will be evaluated based on a technical work sample and performance on the technical interview based on a rolling admissions process.


  1. General Assembly

General Assembly offers courses in web and mobile development, product management, data science and more, online and in-person, across 15 campuses on 4 continents.

The school offers a variety of scholarships including a scholarship of $10,000 towards their Web Development Immersive program. They also offer two full scholarships, $14,950 each, for women. Plus, there are various scholarships through their Opportunity Fund. Upon acceptance to a course, students should ask their admissions consultant for a fellowship application if interested.


In conclusion, we’ve listed some of the top online coding bootcamp scholarships. Here are other excellent ideas for funding your bootcamp. If you’re keen to change careers this year, don’t let finances stand in your way. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and scholarships might just be your ticket to getting there.