Why join a coding bootcamp in Cape Town?

The popularity of coding as a skill is growing exponentially in the South African job market - and completing a coding bootcamp Cape Town can help you get a foot in the door.

Speaking at the IMB South Africa annual Think Johannesburg conference in 2018, South Africa’s Deputy Communications Minister reported that that the Government is considering introducing computer coding into the country’s schools.

Helping children and teens to learn coding skills at a younger age is an effective way to help secure their future employment in a fast-changing digital market.

Make sure you’re equipped to step into one of these cutting-edge careers by upskilling yourself through an on-site coding bootcamp Cape Town.

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Online and on-campus coding bootcamps

Different learners thrive under different conditions. Some prefer to study online, with a virtual bootcamp setup that allows them the flexibility to learn at their own pace, wherever they are. Online coding bootcamps can help to minimise distractions, and save time, as there is no need to commute to a campus.

Meanwhile, other learners thrive in a classroom environment. Interacting with and learning from other students face-to-face helps to keep them motivated and engaged.

Whether you choose a online or on-campus coding bootcamp Cape Town, HyperionDev has got you covered.

Coding bootcamp Cape Town
on campus coding bootcamp

The coding bootcamp experience

HyperionDev has structured a tried and tested process to get you qualified - and hired. Here’s how our bootcamps work:

• Learners are paired with 1-on-1 expert mentors.

• Learners complete coding exercises that deal with real-world programming problems.

• Mentors review the work within 48 hours, providing insightful feedback.

• Learners are able to create a portfolio, make up a CV and prepare for tech interviews.

• Learners begin their new careers, or are able to advance in their current career paths.

72% of HyperionDev graduates who switched careers were able to do so within 3 months of completing a bootcamp.

Meetups for Cape Town coders

These are just a few examples of the inspiring meetups and social groups within Cape Town’s coding community. These are great places to find new friends, meet mentors, and make career connections.

Cape Town Front-End Developers:

A group of Cape Town-based web developers and designers passionate about sharing their technical knowledge and learning.

DevOps Cape Town:

Monthly meetups to discuss development and operations, share success stories and gain useful insight into challenges.

Cape Town Testing Meetup:

A community for testing code - testing is an absolutely crucial part of the process for any developer.

Cape Town JavaScript:

A resource for those who are passionate about all things JavaScript, from server side to client side and everything in between.

Cape Town Machine Learning Meetup:

A group for any Capetonians interested in Machine Learning technology.

The coding community in Cape Town

There are approximately 10,000 qualified coders in Cape Town. There is plenty of opportunity for employment in the Mother City, which has a mix of agile start-ups and heavy hitters like Amazon.

The Western Cape is home to 37% of South Africa’s tech start-ups, which have a promising success rate with 36% of these companies turning a profit.

The coding community in Cape Town is relatively small (compared, for example, to Johannesburg, where there are approximately 30,000 coders). However, there are many opportunities to meet up and network with others in the industry.

coding bootcamp experience
coding community

Feedback from our Cape Town coding bootcamps

Here’s what our Cape Town learners are saying about the coding bootcamp experience.

“I’m super glad that I took the jump and decided to get involved as it keeps me interested/ excited. It’s definitely a lifestyle change and has helped me stay consistent and persistent towards becoming a full stack developer, and creating a future that is looking bright.” - David Miller

“I like the fact that the course was simple and approachable but still covered enough content to create something useful.” - Emile Esterhuizen

“I really found the mentoring process very encouraging. The learning felt much, much deeper than anything I would have achieved by myself.” - Simon Shilo

"I like the fact that the course was simple and approachable but still covered enough content to create something useful."